Essay On Violence In School,Send via email
WebJan 29, · Incidents of violence at school can be divided into nine categories: deadly weapons, threats of violence, fighting, child abuse, sexual abuse, bullying and hazing, WebFeb 27, · writers online. School violence has been the cause of a great concern in the public for many years now. According to figures from the Ministry of Education, WebSchool violence is just one aspect of youth violence. Youth violence has increasingly become a major public health concern in the country (Bennett, ). Youth violence can WebCause & Effect Essay: School Violence. School violence is a major problem around the world. The effects of school violence can lead to division and severe mental and WebOct 13, · Introduction From the many reported and even more unreported events, school violence is seen as a subset of youth violence and a broader health problem. ... read more
Get more free essays Which categories were useful to you? Admissions Career Courses Essay samples Writing tools Writing guide Useful resources. Send via email. Most useful resources for students: Free Essays Download Writing Tools List Proofreading Services Universities Rating. Contributors Bio Lona Glenn Los Angeles Lona graduated from Los Angeles City College. While being a lecturer in several high school institutions Lona founded an online educational project Tutorsclass. Read more. Maria Castle Davis, CA I studied education and currently work as a tutor for school-age children.
I've worked as a volunteer in many different international social projects and as a camp counselor every summer. Find more useful services for students Free plagiarism check Check your paper for free On-line tool. Policy and Development Division: Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Violence in Schools and Other Issues Violence in schools is an issue that impacts the community because it puts the children of the community at risk and it makes schools unsafe. Families, administrators and teachers have to come up with ways to reduce the risk—whether through the installation of cameras and law enforcement officers in the halls, or through the use of strict punishments of students who engage in on-site violence.
Violence in schools is a problem that has to be dealt with from a gun perspective as well: such as, should teachers be armed? Is there a sufficient security plan in place that teachers can follow in the event of a school shooting? Are there enough school counselors on staff to assist in monitoring and helping students with emotional issues? There are numerous questions like these that have to be asked and answered by the community to adequately address…. In the spring of , two male senior students executed a plan to commit a brutal series of violent acts against their fellow students, teachers, and staff. In essence, they took the school by siege and they took every person within the school hostage. There were several aspects to the plan.
These domestic terrorists definitely premeditated this attack, which included specific activities to block or hinder the fire department that was bound to arrive on scene. They ignited explosions in the school such as the cafeteria and parking lot , but what people mostly remember are the shootings. They killed 12 students and 1 teacher. Dozens of other students were injured because they tried to flee the scene to save their lives. Eventually, the two attackers turned their guns upon themselves and committed…. NBC News. Worst U. shooting ever kills 33 on Va. Shen, A. A Timeline of Mass Shooting in the U. since Columbine. Toppo, G. What Methods Can Schools in the United States Implement to Prevent Violence in Schools? Introduction Statement of the problem The recent upswing in high-profile violent incidents in the United States has focused increasing attention on the causes of this public health threat and what types of response are most appropriate.
They predict age and gender variations relate to bullying concerns. Of the 25 cartoons implemented in the study, two depict characters with different shades of skin color where skin color appeared to be an issue. One cartoon relating to sexual orientation was not used in several countries. Smith et al. report Olweus to assert bullying to be characterized by the following three criteria: 1. It is aggressive behavior or intentional "harmdoing" 2. which carried out repeatedly and over time 3. In an interpersonal relationship characterized by an imbalance of power. Listed and selected bullying terms as well as social exclusion in the applicable language.
Used fundamental focus groups with participating children to confirm usage and extensive comprehensive of terms. Using cartoons, sorted tasks to…. Anti-Bullying programs for schools. Beaty, L. The Problem of School Bullies: What the Research Tells Us. Beran, T. An evaluation of a bullying prevention program for elementary schools. Canadian Journal of School Psychology. School Violence Schools have more esponsibility to Prevent School Violence than ever before Issues related to school violence have become an increasingly salient issue in modern society. This issue affects schools on many levels. On one level, there rise in the number of tragedies such as mass shootings have increased and these incidents clearly illustrate the need for safer educational environments for children and adolescents.
However, there are also more subtle examples of violence that can occur in school environments such as bullying. The evidence that bullying is severe physical and psychological detriment to students has become increasingly clear. Furthermore, technology has also offered new platforms in which violence can occur between students. For example, there have been many cases of online bullying that have occurred on social networks. This analysis will provide a brief overview of different types of violence that can occur in schools as well as a…. Adelman, H. Building Comprehensive, Multifaceted, and Integrated Approaches to Address Barriers to Student Learning. Childhood Education, Beccerra, S. School violence and school coexistence management: unresolved challenges. Procedia, Crews, G. School Violence Perpetrators Speak: An Examination of Perpetrators Views on School Violence Offenses.
Jouranl of the Institute of Justice and International Studies, This perspective is from the U. This article also makes the important point that school is intended as a developmental and educational environment and that violence in its various forms negatively effects and detracts from the goals of education. Another general work that adds to the underlying body of knowledge on this topic is Stealing the Show? Crime and Its Impact in Post-Apartheid South Africa by Mark Shaw and Peter Gastrow Among others, this study makes a cogent assessment of the way that crime and violence is measured and reported in South Africa. Most researchers assume that official crime statistics -- that is, those collected and released by the South African Police Service -- provide a poor indication of levels….
Abbink, J. Vanguard or Vandals: Youth, Politics, and Conflict in Africa. Boston: Brill. Bility K. Carton, B. The Forgotten Compass of Death: Apocalypse Then and Now in the Social History of South Africa. Center for Justice and Crime Prevention. violence in the public schools. Teen violence in general has become a major concern in America today. One of the reasons for the issue being so prevalent is the number of school shootings in the last few years, especially the shooting at Columbine High in Littleton, Colorado. hile the welfare of young people is always of concern, much of the fear being generated at the present time is excessive. For one thing, teen violence is not the new phenomenon many people seem to think it is, and an analysis of our history shows that violence in the schools has always been a problem and that in fact it is diminished at the present time.
In truth, though, any school violence is too much, and ways of eliminating it and protecting students in school must be found. Several "solutions" to the problem have been offered. One such recommendation is school uniforms,…. Bowman, Darcia Harris. Clinton, Bill. Several areas, if poorly designed, can lead to violent and criminal behavior, including parking lots, isolated spots on campus, locker rooms, and corridors. Often, violent behavior occurs in these areas when adults are not present Astor, Meyer, and Behre, , p. Designing schools with more open areas, more planned classrooms, and a more defined perimeter can create a safer, less violent campus by creating a more functional and enjoyable educational experience.
Thus, older, poorly designed schools often attract more violent behavior. Location can also be a risk factor in certain schools, although that is not always the case. Another researcher notes, "Some urban schools are located [ Children growing up in violence prone neighborhoods such as these may simply accept violence as a way of…. Meyer, H. And Behre, W. Unowned places and times: Maps and interviews about violence in high schools. American Educational Research Journal, Vol. Jenkins, P. School delinquency and the school social bond. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Vol. May, D. September Scared kids, unattached kids, or peer pressure: Why do students carry firearms to school?
Two of the schools in the current study have active GSA's which may account for the acceptance of LGBT students at these schools. It is recommended that school develop safe, anonymous reporting procedures such as that described above. In addition, students must feel that retaliation will be addressed and every attempt will be made to protect the student from retaliation, both inside the school and outside the school. Perpetrators must be informed that retaliation will carry serious consequences and that administrators will follow through. Students must be told that any discussion of disciplinary actions discussed among students will cause further disciplinary actions to be instituted. Further Research The schools involved in the current study are known as being very gay-friendly.
Two of…. Other stakeholders—i. That can be daunting, but to help there are security solutions that the Digital Age has helped bring into existence—tools like SIELOX CLASS, which allow teachers to communicate with administrators, access campus cameras, alert authorities, trigger a lockdown, and keep students safe by responding quickly to a potentially…. Violence in High Schools Violence in schools has been an issue of great concern in our culture for many years, but never so much as today. Society has demanded accountability and practical intervention to address the problem at its source. Parents, educators and students are asking for ways in which they can make changes within schools and recognize problems before they escalate to violence and extreme violence.
The work will focus on the history and present records of each student studied and will look for signs and symptoms of problems in every way possible. This work is a proposal for the study of the phenomena of violence within the high school aged group. The work will be divided into three areas of study, data analysis, interview and observation and will be conducted over a four-year period following students from freshman to senior. The work will create a base for comparison…. School Uniforms Perhaps the biggest debate of public education over the past decade besides school vouchers has been the debate over whether or not it is legal to require students to wear a uniform to school. Increased crime, gang violence, poor academic performance in public schools has sparked the movement towards mandatory school uniforms.
hile school uniforms may seem the perfect solution to the problem, to some its as good as putting a band-aid on a three-inch deep wound. There are many arguments for and against school uniforms in public schools; the main concern has to do with the legality of making uniforms compulsory for public school students. The focus of this paper will be to discuss the issues presented by those both for and against school uniforms. Additionally, the legality of such a policy if implemented will also be presented. Finally, facts and figures on those schools that have….
Brunsma, David and Kerry A. The Journal of Educational Research Court Orders School to Enroll Honors Student Who Protested Mandatory Uniform Policy. Emert Suggests Mandatory School Uniforms. Holmquist, Micah. Violence in K-8 Schools The issue of violence among young people has become demonstratively more controversial within our culture in the last few years. The demands of society in general for more accountability and a greater sense of awareness among both parents and school officials have created an exponential need for research associated with the phenomena. Society and officials alike have called for a greater understanding of the motivations and reasons for violence within the schools and also a greater security of awareness of the ability to recognize and intervene when potentially violent young people exhibit warning signs of future violence.
This work is a proposal for the study of the phenomena of violence within the K-8 school setting, and will be divided into three parts, studying both primary aged schools and middle school aged school settings. The proposal demonstrates the need for research associated with a tertiary standard, of…. As they repeatedly say, especially Graff, they are doing what they have to do, and although there may have been other tactics that would have worked, there was no way of knowing whether or not the human race could be saved without violent action against the buggers. The buggers themselves, though they do not really appear as character until the very end of the novel, in the dream they send to Ender on the new world, are actually stuck in the same bind as the humans.
hat the human experienced as violence in the First and Second invasions was not actually violence to the buggers -- they had no idea that they were killing sentient beings. They had tried to communicate with the humans, but because the two species communicate so differently, this was impossible. Violence became necessary for them to ensure their own survival, and although eventually they succeed…. Violence on College Campuses Virginia Tech could probably have avoided the terrible massacre of had its officials taken more timely and effective action with Seung Hui Cho.
He had a very long record of mental illness dating back to middle school, including fantasies of violence and murder, and he had received psychiatric treatment in the past. His behavior at Virginia Tech was so disturbing to students and faculty that a court ordered him to undergo a psychiatric evaluation in , although he refused all counseling. University officials did not discuss his case with each other or even with his parents for fear of violating state and federal confidentiality laws, although their interpretation of these was mostly incorrect.
Even though medical and psychiatric records are confidential by law, there is an exception for students like Cho who are deemed a danger to themselves and others. Not only did he receive…. Burlin, S. And J. Gammage Corey, G. et al. Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions, 8th Edition. Cengage Learning. Mass Shootings at Virginia Tech, April 16, Report of the Review Panel Presented to Governor Kaine, Commonwealth of Virginia. McMurray, J. Gustavo Gutierrez did just that in Latin America, employing Marxist analysis to interpret the Jesus' teachings in the Gospel. Gutierrez founded Liberation Theology, which is, essentially, the twentieth century take on Violence and the Cross. Christ is viewed less as Redeemer and more as Liberator.
Evans discusses this same interpretation in black theology, which is, essentially, a continuation of Liberation Theology: "In spite of the ravages of their kidnapping and the disorientation that they endured, African slaves retained an outlook on their experience that continually reaffirmed their worth as individuals and as a people…The Jesus whom they encountered as they were exposed to the Bible was a caring and liberating friend who shared their sorrows and burdens" Yet, in black theology, Jesus does not bring grace through suffering that can perfect one's nature and lead one's soul to Heaven as classical theology insists ; in black theology, Jesus is the….
Evans, James H. We Have Been Believers: An African-American Systematic Theology. Migliore, Daniel. Faith Seeking Understanding: an Introduction to Christian Theology. Violence in video games and the role of culture. alone in Greitemeyer and Osswald, In this paper, video games refer to electronically controlled games played on any platform including console units, computers, internet, hand-held devices or various technology toys. In recent years, video games have redefined leisure activities among children as studies conducted in U. Anderson, C. Human aggression.
Annu Rev Psychol, 53, Bushman, B. Violent Video Games and Hostile Expectations: A Test of the General Aggression Model. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28 12 , Dill, K. Video game violence: A review of the empirical literature. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 3 4 , Funk, J. Preference for Violent Electronic Games, Self-Concept, and Gender Differences in Young Children. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 70 2 , Utilization of the data and collection of the data should be one of the main aims of the policy makers.
The data can be used by the policymakers in order to develop the policies and implement these in order to make sure that improvement can be ensured Basch, , p. One of the main roles that can be played by the policy makers includes reviewing the policies that have already been designed for the schools. How these previous policies have played roles in an improvement of academics of the children, their environments and their health are important parts of the review by the policymakers. It is important that funding is collected for the issues that affect health and academics of children.
The policymakers should make sure that the importance of school-based health clinics that can play roles in looking after the needs of the students. Great levels…. Basch, C. Executive Summary: Healthier Students Are Better Learners. Journal of School Health 81, pp. Bruzzese, J. Effects of a School-based Intervention for Urban Adolescents with Asthma: A Controlled Trial. Care Med. April 15, , pp. Gall, G. Utility of Psychosocial Screening at a School-based Health Center. Journal of School Health 70, pages -- Geierstanger, P. School-Based Health Centers and Academic Performance: Research, Challenges, and Recommendations. Journal of School Health 74, pages -- othe values Moal chaacte, that is, having couage, being pesistent, dismissing distactions and so on in pusuit of the goal.
These ae attempts to define ethics by descibing actions, and faily specific constellations of actions at that. Fedeich Paulson, a 19th centuy philosophe of ethics, defined ethics as a science of moal duty Almost yeas late, Swenson also used the concept of study in defining ethics, saying that it included the systematic study of concepts such as ight and wong. Othe eseaches note that the idea of systematic study is common in dictionay definitions of ethics, with the Ameican Heitage Dictionay focusing on thee elements: " the study of moal philosophy, the ules of a pofession o moe boadly the chaacte of a community , and moal self-examination Soukhanov, Hill offes a 'definition' that is mainly pactical but also incopoates some theoetical content.
They believe that ethical…. references for confidentiality of records. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 34, Welfel, E. Psychologist as ethics educator: Successes, failures, and unanswered questions. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 23, Ethics in counseling and psychotherapy: Standards, research, and emerging issues. Ethics in counseling and psychotherapy: Standards, research, and emerging issues 2nd ed. This idea appears repeatedly. hen Billy proposes marriage to Valencia: Billy didn't want to marry ugly Valencia. She was one of the symptoms of his disease. He knew he was going crazy when he heard himself proposing marriage to her, when he begged her to take the diamond ring and be his companion for life, ibid p.
However, he was trapped in his life, for better or worse, such as the fact that Billy knew when he would be killed, yet didn't try to do anything about it. His death is compared with mankind's fate. At one point Billy discusses the problem of war with the Tralfamadorians p. They tell him that war is inevitable and he is stupid to try to change it. Humanity is trapped in his human nature, to create war and wreak death. Some people want peace, but they are naive and are unaware of human…. Brifonski and Mendelson Eds. Contemporary Literary Criticism vol. Detroit: Gale Research Co. Riley, Carolyn Editor ; Contemporary Literary Criticism vol.
Riley, Carolyn and Barbara Harte Editors ; Contemporary Literary Criticism vol. Vit, Marek. Violence in the Family, Violence Against Children is a Cycle To have a rational understanding of the cycle of violence and abuse that occurs within families as a result of past sexual abuse and present drug abuse upon the heads of the family, one must seek explanations for such bad parental behavior without excusing the negative behavior on the part of the adults themselves. If no causes of violence can be determined, and only legal vengeance is enacted against the perpetrators of abuse, then merely punishment will occur and the cycle of violence and hatred will never end.
It is better to redress such crimes, moreover, with an eye to reforming the family, rather than in a spirit of retributive justice. An example of this can be seen in the child psychologist Torey Hayden's book One Child. In her text, the author and teacher chronicle the abuse of one of…. Kruger, February 7, Petersburg Times. Front Page. Given that people engage in sporting events for a wide range of reasons, the authors assert that it is time for athletes to develop a moral code that embraces higher standards of conduct that will help reverse these recent trends and once again provide American sports with a sense of fair play and respect. Fredenburg, Karen, Rafer Lutz, Glenn Miller et al. In this essay, the authors report that there have been a number of recent studies and reports that suggest that the pressure in high school sports is growing, rather than declining.
The authors cite an article in Sports Illustrated that described the alarming trends of parental misbehavior at youth sport events. The president…. The document states this in this wording United Nations : Bearing in mind that the need to extend particular care to the child has been stated in the Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child of and in the Declaration of the Rights of the Child adopted by the General Assembly on 20 November and recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in particular in articles 23 and 24 , in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in particular in article 10 and in the statutes and relevant instruments of specialized agencies and international organizations concerned with the welfare of children.
Thus under the leadership of the United Nations, many different groups have joined forces to improve the quality of lives of children around the world. Opposing Arguments Many people have defended the Chinese culture and…. Garvin, G. Miami Herald Books. Intlekofter, K. John Hopkins Magazine. Jiali, G. Pedro, B. The Economy of Meaning. Metal Detectors in Schools When confronted with a frightening phenomena, people often tend only to look at the symptom, rather than the underlying cause, and in turn they end up making the problem worse, as in the case of installing metal detectors in schools in an attempt to stop violence. Although at first glance installing a metal detector might seem like an obvious choice towards making schools safer, this kind of thinking only makes the problem worse by wasting time and energy on a "solution" that ignores the larger problem, is not actually effective, and harms the very people it is meant to protect.
Examining these three faults in greater detail will reveal how the use of metal detectors is born out an ignorant, careless approach to safety that harms the public while making money for a few self-interested parties. The first problem with using metal detectors in schools is…. The hidden cost of school security. Journal of Education Finance, 36 3 , Hartnett, S. The annihilating public policies of the prison-industrial complex; or, crime, violence, and punishment in an age of neoliberalism. Preventing lethal violence in schools:. Exposure to Community Violence: Intervention The purpose of this work is to research exposure to community violence by school-age children and further to examine the intervention methods utilized in dealing with the trauma and associated psychological factors.
Intervention being implemented early is key in assisting school-age children in coping with trauma and the associated symptoms and conditions both emotionally and psychologically for avoidance of complicating the condition or other results in permanent damage. What the Professionals have to Say: Exposure to trauma and violence is a risk that is at a "disconcertingly high level[s]" according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Researchers have noted that there are 'certain limitations and knowledge' and that there is need for more research in this area and a more comprehensive long-term analysis. ender, Study performed by Cognitive ehavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools; A study performed by the Los Angeles School….
Sieger, Karin et al. it are very important to avoid any form of misconception when it comes to violence in schools. it is also important to ensure that trust is built between adults and students. it is also necessary to build an interdisciplinary as well as trained threat assessment team NASP esources, Juvenile gangs There has been an increase in the number of juvenile gangs that are being formed. The gang problem is one which is continuing to grow within the community, it is important to find out the factors which drive juveniles into joining gangs. Joining gangs is consists of both pulls and pushes. The pulls entail the attractiveness of gangs. These include prestige associated with gang membership from friends.
The gangs also provide attractive opportunities such as chances of excitement through selling drugs and getting money. Therefore most juveniles end up choosing to join gangs. There is some social. cultural or economic forces…. American Psychological Association. Warning signs of youth violence. NASP Resources Threat Assessment: Predicting and Preventing school violence. In contrast, TV influences children in abandoning the theories they were taught and embrace other concepts, most related to violence. Also, after being exposed to TV violence children feel that it is perfectly natural for them to behave similar to the characters on TV Langone, , p. It is extremely important for a child to be assisted by an adult when watching TV.
Studies have shown that children are influenced by the way adults perceive TV programs, meaning that a child is likely to gain a better understanding of right and wrong when he or she is supported by a mature individual. Even with that, TV violence can negatively influence children, as they will merely hide their aggression in the cases when they are assisted by an adult who disapproves of violent behavior in watching TV Langone, , p. Children are generally willing to do anything in ordered…. Barker, M. New York: Routledge. Hoffman, A. Westport, CT: Praeger.
There is a connection between the minor brutality and the genuine ones. There […]. The existence of corporal punishment has been traced back to the early beginnings of time, dating back to some of the first civilizations using it for military aspects and also parenting on children, according to the biblical verses dating back to the 6th century B. such as Proverbs , Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you strike him with a rod, he will not die. If you strike him with the rod, you will save his soul from […]. Essay examples. Essay topics. School Violence and Security School violence has been on for a while now; the only difference is that now is worse. School Violence is Stemmed from Bullying School violence which includes physical, mental violence and bullying, and occurs all over the world.
School Violence — Disturbance in Students Educations School violence can include verbal and physical altercations. School Violence: Physical and Verbal Attack School violence is characterized as any physical or verbal attack on one while being on school property or grounds. School Violence: the Mental Health, Social Cognitive Development Abstract School shootings are not a new-found issue in society, although they have increased within the last three decades. School Violence in the United States School violence has largely become one of the greatest issues the United States is facing in the 21st century largely due to the underlying issues that are present when violence in schools occurs. School Violence Act of The Students, Teachers, and Officers Preventing School Violence Act of , or STOP School Violence Act is a bill designed to help reduce the amount of school violence through implementing a variety of safety measures.
Effects of Multimedia on School Violence Think multimedia does affect school violence a little. Gun Violence and Cases of Shooting in Schools Gun violence, in schools, is a reoccurring tragedy that needs to stop now. Controversial Topic of Violence in Schools Violence in schools is a very controversial topic to talk about, it has been happening for years, and actually happened very recently in a city called parkland, florida at Stoneman Douglas high school 17 students were shot, and murdered. Protecting Students in School Life Not all schools are protected and numerous vast schools confront expanding uncertainty as a result of expanding viciousness inside their mixes.
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Either school violence can be termed as a case whereby physical attack is involved between students in a school or even cases of students attacking the school staff. This has risen to be a serious problem in many countries over the recent years. These cases have left both teachers and students nervous about their safety in these schools. One of the main problems associated with school violence is that there are not enough statistics concerning the under-lying factors for school violence and their consequences to help teachers and parents to control their children. Not all schools are safe and many large schools face increasing insecurity because of increasing violence within their compounds. Moreover, the students in the urban schools may be faced with more of this violence due to the lower socio-economic status they live in.
There is a relationship between the minor violence and the serious ones. There are different ways in which school violence occur. First, there may be a case where there is conflict in a certain school and then spills-over to the neighborhood. In this case, students misunderstanding occur in the school and since there is the fear of suspension from the school if a fight erupts, some of the students may prefer to attack each other within the immediate neighborhood. In the other case, there may be a conflict within the neighborhood, which results to a fight in school since the combatants may be schooling together.
School conflict may start in school and the violence occurs in the same school. In another case, these conflicts may be initiated in the neighborhood and occur there. It is important to study the main causes of this violence. Even thought there is no main cause of school violence, and that the wide reasons are complex and varied, we have some possible causes of school violence, which include overcrowded schools, gang activity, drugs, domestic abuse, anger issues and depression among others. Other psychological reasons may involve poor self-esteem and love affairs gone sore. The conflict theory can explain some of the conflicts associated with school violence.
The conflict theory put emphasis on material, political and social inequalities as the source of such violence. Students who come from poor economic backgrounds may feel inferior and in order to prove themselves to the well-endowed students may become physically violent. This may explain some of the major school violence exhibited in mixed race schools. According to a fact sheet on school violence centers for disease control and prevention , the following facts are associated with school violence. This is because the student sees this as something of the ordinary. Another factor that may encourage school violence is whereby there is easy availability of weapons. Children may purchase these weapons cheaply and use them in acts of bullying. In serious cases, students may even use these weapons to kill other people.
An example of this is the Virginia Tech massacre, which involved a senior level undergraduate student who killed 32 people before committing suicide. Depression and anxiety is therefore a contributing factor to this violence. This occurs when the student is experiencing severe depression. A student who faces lack of love and affection may also become violent. This is the case mostly with orphaned students or students living with alcoholic parents. Students may also involve in violence whereby there are no supportive teachers. This is whereby the teacher is not helping a student through difficulties, which leads to frustration. In this approach, the teacher is after making money and may see the student as a client.
We can use the theory of social disorganization to explain the above incidents. This theory emphasizes that the breakdown in the traditional social control and organizations in our societies, neighborhoods, communities and our families result in deviant behavior and criminal activities, especially in our children. When this happens then the behaviors and crimes will also be committed in schools where children spend most of their time. School violence occurs in many ways. The level of violence has risen over the recent years. There are cases of theft and gang wars among others. This has posed severe dangers to the learning students whereby violence in schools has gone to its extremity.
It is very alarming that students who have not even reached puberty are not afraid to hold guns and knives. In the United States of America, These cases are experienced. Questions are raised as to what exactly motivates these forms of actions. No child is born as violent. An example is the case whereby parents get married and then divorce. Some schools may also not pay attention to the violent activities that occur in the schools. Lack of penalties for such cases may further encourage these acts. Harsh punishments can be used to discourage students from practicing bullying or any other form of violence. Media also plays a huge role in promoting violent activities in the school. This is resulted from students watching violent movies, which encourage them to try to do the same.
In this way, kids learn to handle things in a violent manner in which they would not have learnt otherwise. In the recent days, parents in mostly developed countries are so into their jobs and therefore do not pay much attention to their kids. As mentioned earlier, lack of love and affection encourage the child to engage in violent activities. In schools, this form of violence continues to generate more copycats who would not hesitate to go on with the violent acts. These forms of tragedy cannot be fully prevented, but there are signs that can be detected in a personality to hint on an unusual behavior in a student that may result to violence.
Even if this true, these signs may not totally prove that a student is in any way dangerous. Some of the psychological barriers standing between the ways of sanity in these students may not be fully overcome. This is because there are varying standards of behavior in the environments the students live in. It is therefore hard to approach some of the concerned parents about the behaviors of a particular student since the member of the family must be monitored closely. This helps in helping the individual psychologically. If we study the neighborhoods the kids live in, it is a matter of considerations in the number of gangs growing up in those neighborhoods.
These can be named as proto-gangs since they are not named. In some cases, these proto-gangs are engaged in drug trafficking, and therefore pose a significant threat to the young people. This is because these gangs often seek loyalty in the children living around the blocks. The recruited students end up involving themselves in drug addiction. Because of this when there are conflicts between blocks, violence may result and weapons may be used by the concerned members. Many of the students may define their friends according to the blocks they belong.
The block is therefore seen as a certain form of a family with members of different ranks in it. The members of the block serve and protect the block in all ways. This results to a considerable level of loyalty for the said block by its members. The main reason for block conflicts is that for the search for respect. These conflicts are ever changing. Some of the students also fight to achieve or maintain respect for them. By showing possession of a weapon, there is the sense that one is not afraid to defend himself and hence is respected. Strategies have been laid down to help prevent school violence. Maternal Child Health MCH among other public professionals helps in reducing the number of these cases by engaging in a number of activities.
A staff person can be designated from the State Injury prevention program. The selected person can work with other people in the violent prevention programs and assist community public health organizations working in schools. The MCH can also work with State and Federal departments and in this way, they can educate the school staff on the importance of reporting incidences of violence in an aim to increase incident data collection. In this way, the public health staff can assist these partners to find more ways to prevent this violence. Educational campaigns can also be held when the public health staff collaborates with State departments.
These campaigns can be used to educate the youth about the dangers of involvement in school violence. Violence can also be cut by involving the community, family and students. Preventive programs like those that bullying prevention and anger management has far better results than the electronic means like video surveillance cameras and metal detectors. This form of comprehensive prevention has been highly effective. Another comprehensive approach has begun to appear like the most suitable method to address complexity of emotional and behavioral problems successfully. This approach prescribes three levels of intervention. The first level is by creating a school climate that is safe and responsive.
The second one is early identification and intervention while the third involves effective responses to disruption and crisis. The first level of creating a safe and responsive climate for students involves implementing improved classroom management school wide. Early intervention and identification involves detecting early warning signs of violence within the youth assisting the students who are at risk of violence. School procedures are supposed to be aware of these signs and therefore provide procedures to respond to these threats. Finally, the effective responses to disruptions are applied in cases of these violence attacks. The responses may involve expulsion and suspension among others.
Zero tolerance may be practiced as in the case of the two students who were expelled for two years for being involved in a fight in Decatur. Zero tolerance has been encouraged and has gained popularity in many administrators. However, there is no evidence that this form of punishment yields any positive results. In conclusion, more strategies have been laid down to help prevent the occurrence of this form of violence. It is important for the youth to understand that there are better ways to solve their differences without necessarily involving in violence.
School Violence, Causes and Solution,Related topics
WebAccording to the Centre for the Prevention of School Violence “School Violence” is “any behaviour that violates a school’s educational mission or climate of respect or WebCause & Effect Essay: School Violence. School violence is a major problem around the world. The effects of school violence can lead to division and severe mental and WebSchool violence is a big problem we are facing now. This has caused many problems among students, families’ faculty of schools and residents of the community. School WebJan 29, · Incidents of violence at school can be divided into nine categories: deadly weapons, threats of violence, fighting, child abuse, sexual abuse, bullying and hazing, WebSchool violence is just one aspect of youth violence. Youth violence has increasingly become a major public health concern in the country (Bennett, ). Youth violence can WebOct 13, · Introduction From the many reported and even more unreported events, school violence is seen as a subset of youth violence and a broader health problem. ... read more
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John Hopkins Magazine. I do believe that social media has made violence among teenagers in our schools popular since technology is at its highest more now than before. If there is a lot of violence in the area. Need a professionally written Custom Essay? Bullying has been around for a long time and this can cause fighting and sometime to the point of committing suicide […]. Think multimedia does affect school violence a little. Social media is the most common activity of children and adolescent presently, whether it is Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Essay on school violence you name it.
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