The Problem of Atmospheric Pollution in Modern World Research Paper,Chemistry of the atmosphere
WebThere is a worldwide concern about atmospheric pollution. There are several steps taken by governments to reduce the load of pollutants. However, every individual must take WebDec 12, · Atmospheric pollution is an old phenomenon and is getting worse by day because governments are not concerned about the case. The Canadian Government is WebJan 21, · Atmospheric pollution is a problem that needs faster and effective sustainable protective measures before the situation becomes unmanageable. Individuals, society, WebAtmospheric Pollution Research (APR) is an international journal designed for the publication of articles on air pollution. Papers should present novel experimental WebSep 2, · If discharging these wastes into the atmosphere represents the cheapest way of accomplishing this, then the industry will have a strong inclination to adopt this ... read more
The world is getting hotter, making people to suffer. Each day, a common person inhales almost twenty thousand litres of air. Each time we inhale we risk drawing in hazardous chemicals that have made their way into the atmosphere. Atmospheric pollution includes all pollutants found in the air. These hazardous substances can exist in the type of gases or particles. Atmospheric pollution can occur both in and out-of-doors. It poses health risks like emphysema, cancer and asthma. It also leads to the exhaustion of the ozone layer which causes the melting of ice caps as well as global warming. Up to the industrial age, the air was rather clean. Afterwards, the use of vents and the burning of coal added many pollutants in the air.
The amplified use of fossil fuels nowadays also contributes to this. If pollution goes on as badly as it is currently, the O-Zone layer will be run down adequately to allow ultra violet waves into the earth leading to skin cancer and other issues associated with the ultra violet rays. Since ozone layer protects the earth from dangerous ultraviolet radiation, ozone exhaustion is believed to cause high number of skin cancer cases in nations like Australia and Saudi Arabia. Smog is a blend of many contaminants, primarily particulate matter and ground-level ozone. Ozone is produced from nitrogen oxides and volatile organic composites. During summers, most people get exposed to ground-level ozone absorptions that are greater than the present national ambient quality of air objective of eighty two parts per billion in one hour Goss et al.
In the United States, the key sources of nitrogen oxides are industries, transport sector, and use of fossil fuels as a source of energy. Non-artificial sources of nitrogen oxides are usually insignificant. The chief sources of artificial volatile organic composites are petroleum and solvents. While non-artificial sources of volatile organic composites chiefly from plants are 5. Though ozone changes only a small number of regions, many big cities experience heights of particulate matter which are said to have major effects on human wellbeing. Particulates and ground-level ozone are related to a variety of bad health impacts, among them being respiratory problems, augmented emergency cases of illness and early death.
Human beings are the major living factor that causes atmospheric pollution. This is so because human beings cut trees for use in industries and use fossil fuels as sources of energy. The rising earth population is also significantly associated to this matter. A large population causes pollution in that as the number of people increase, the demand for timber as a construction material increase, thus increasing deforestation. Numerous forms of transport are available globally. So long as these forms of transport rely on fuel to run, they will forever emit pollutants. Exhausts from vehicles, aircrafts, and ships have become the main pollutants of the globe.
If bikes and other non-fuelled modes of transports can be employed, the presence of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere could be reduced. Exhausts from cars weaken the o-zone layer. By not smouldering plastics or using fossil products, we can aid in preventing atmospheric pollution. The altitude of oceans is normally elevated by global warming that occurs as a result of atmospheric pollution. The heightened levels of water ingest low land areas and islets which cause problems to humans, plants and other creatures that inhabit that area. Water coats plants inhibiting their growth. As a result, aquatic animals lack food and in severe cases, they die. Loss of plants and animals depress the whole ecosystem and particularly, the lives of human beings. Furthermore, global warming augments the ocean temperatures, thus endangering the lives of ocean animals Tuner, The most affected by this process is the algae.
Algae manufacture food for the sea habitants by photosynthesis. It also acts as a meal to a many creatures like crabs, small fish and whales. The loss of algae leads to malnourishment of other animals and consecutively the sea kingdom begins to die out. The emission of greenhouse gases raises temperatures which results to the drying of trees leaves. As a result, the forest burns since dry leaves easily catch fire. Green house gases also cause acid rain which is corrosive. It affects both plants and animals lives.
Human forces on forests like forestation can be helpful. However, deforestation can greatly impact the ecosystem as it raises the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. At present, there are many luminous sustainability strategies and solutions that have been started by several organizations, governments, firms and civic groups. An example is the emphasis on use of solar energy as opposed to use of coal. Buy now, save instantly, get the job done on time! Type of paper: Case Study. Topic: Leadership , Environment , Environmental Issues , Life , Human , Global Warming , Pollution , World.
Pages: 8. Words: Atmospheric pollution can be described as the process to which chemicals, biological material or particulate matter, that are harmful to humans and other living organisms, are introduced into the atmosphere Jacobson, The Environmental Protection Agency EPA considers the following six pollutants as principle contributors to atmospheric pollution: Carbon Monoxide, Lead, Sulfur Oxides, Ozone, Nitrogen Dioxide, and Particulate Matter like Sulfates, Nitrates and carbon based molecules Vallero, Many energy consumers focus on outdoor atmospheric pollution but ignore the dangers that exist in their own homes. For instance, solvents and paints are considered safe by many people while they dry Jacobson, However, paints and solvents emit VOCs which are harmful to human health.
Scented items, wood fires, house plants, carpets and furniture, decomposed hair etc emit hazardous gases that are harmful to atmosphere. Indoor atmospheric pollutants are easier to control as compared to outdoor pollutants. Proper air circulation and ventilation leads to formation of a neutral compound that is not harmful to human health. Failure to control indoor atmospheric pollution is considered more dangerous than smog found in outdoor pollution, and can lead to loss of lives. This is a situation whereby occupants of a building experience some health problems Jacobson and Jacobson, The nature of illness is linked to the amounts of time that one spends in an office. This problem occurs when a building is constructed, maintained or in a manner inconsistent with its prescribed original design or operating procedures.
Symptoms of SBS include throat irritation, headaches, dry coughs, itchy or dry skin, dizziness and nausea, fatigue, sensitivity to odors, amongst others Vallero, There is no defined clinical prescription of SBS as most of the victims feel relieved when they get out of the building in question Cheremisinoff, SBS is caused by chemical contaminations found indoor. This includes carpets, adhesives, copy machines, cleaning agents, and pesticides etc, which emit Volatile Organic Compounds VOC. At high concentrations, VOC leads to chronic ailments while at low concentrations it leads to acute reactions.
Chemical contaminations from other outdoor sources also lead to this ailment. Control of CBSs, and involves proper ventilations in building, setting up buildings as recommended, and putting them under the recommended use. Plants and animals produce harmful gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and nitrates that mix with other atmospheric gases in production of pollutant compounds. In addition, they form acidic rains that affect the growth of plants. Examples of insects that contribute to atmospheric pollution include moths, honey bees and silk worms. The use of manmade pesticides in getting rid of such insects contributes significantly to air pollution.
Bacteria, on the other hand, are used in soil decomposition. From this process, they produce nitrates and carbon that are harmful to both plants and animals. Non living contributors include; solar gradient, and atmospheric gases such as methane, carbon and sulfur dioxide. Smoke and dust from automobiles, and human activity emit millions of tones of air pollutants. Motor vehicles contribute to ground-level Ozone, which is a composite of smog. It also affects the ozone layer leading to emission of green house gases that are contributors of lung cancer Jacobson and Jacobson, The depletion of Ozone layer has both living and non-living factors contributing to the problem.
The depletion is caused by nitric oxides, hydroxyl ions and chlorine atoms Vallero, Much of the reactants come from natural sources but human activity has also contributed to their formation. Temperatures reduce with altitudes in the troposphere. In between the stratosphere and troposphere lies tropopause, this has a uniform temperature. The uniformity prevents the exchange of materials between the troposphere and stratosphere. Failure of the exchange implies that some constituents do not reach to the stratosphere. Rockets, planes and space shuttles also inject some pollutants, which add to the failure.
In addition, human activities, which lead to emission of pollutants into the air, lead to the failure. This leads to the depletion of the stratosphere and causes the ozone layer to wear out. Air pollution has both pros and cons: Most of the pollutants lead to health complications and death. Exposure to atmospheric pollution is associated to vascular, pulmonary, cardiac and neurological impairments. Industries, power plants and metal refineries emit sulfur and nitrogen oxide from highly placed smokestacks that allow the gases to rise high up, into the atmosphere Cheremisinoff, As they move up they mix with other pollutants and water vapor leading to formation of nitric and sulfuric acids.
These acids drop down in form of acidic rains, fog, and snow, or sometimes deposited dry. This is referred to as acid deposition. Acidic rain has a PH of less than 5. However, the nitrates found in the rains fertilize ocean waters making it possible for algae growth. On the other hand, the growth of algae leads to ecological changes and death aquatic life. A clear example of effects of industrial air pollution can be found in China. The economic history of China is on the run with double digit growth rates. This is derived from coal mining and production of power. However, the country is chocking from its own success.
Environmental degradation is on a rising trend with most cities being wrapped under toxic gray shrouds, which come from power producing plants. Cities like Beijing, Chongqing, Shenyang and Xian, are so polluted to the extent of the problem being considered a national catastrophe. Cancer cases in the country cause hundreds of death each year. Over five million citizens do not have access to clean water, and this increases the threat of atmospheric pollution in the region. Worldwide, many countries have taken steps to reduce or limit greenhouse gas emissions to combat global warming.
The Kyoto Protocol , first adopted in Kyoto, Japan, in , is an agreement between countries that they will work to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions. The United States has not signed that treaty. Regulation In addition to the international Kyoto Protocol, most developed nations have adopted laws to regulate emissions and reduce air pollution. In the United States, debate is under way about a system called cap and trade to limit emissions. This system would cap, or place a limit, on the amount of pollution a company is allowed. Companies that exceeded their cap would have to pay. Companies that polluted less than their cap could trade or sell their remaining pollution allowance to other companies. Cap and trade would essentially pay companies to limit pollution.
In the World Health Organization issued new Air Quality Guidelines. The WHOs guidelines are tougher than most individual countries existing guidelines. The WHO guidelines aim to reduce air pollution-related deaths by 15 percent a year. Reduction Anybody can take steps to reduce air pollution. Millions of people every day make simple changes in their lives to do this. Taking public transportation instead of driving a car, or riding a bike instead of traveling in carbon dioxide-emitting vehicles are a couple of ways to reduce air pollution.
Avoiding aerosol cans, recycling yard trimmings instead of burning them, and not smoking cigarettes are others. Downwinders The United States conducted tests of nuclear weapons at the Nevada Test Site in southern Nevada in the s. These tests sent invisible radioactive particles into the atmosphere. These air pollution particles traveled with wind currents, eventually falling to Earth, sometimes hundreds of miles away in states including Idaho, Utah, Arizona, and Washington. These areas were considered to be "downwind" from the Nevada Test Site. Decades later, people living in those downwind areascalled "downwinders"began developing cancer at above-normal rates. In , the U. government passed the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act.
Greenhouse Gases There are five major greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere. London Smog What has come to be known as the London Smog of , or the Great Smog of , was a four-day incident that sickened , people and caused as many as 12, deaths. Very cold weather in December led residents of London, England, to burn more coal to keep warm. Smoke and other pollutants became trapped by a thick fog that settled over the city. The polluted fog became so thick that people could only see a few meters in front of them. The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit.
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We use cookies to enhance our website for you. Proceed if you agree to this policy or learn more about it. Buy now, save instantly, get the job done on time! Type of paper: Case Study. Topic: Leadership , Environment , Environmental Issues , Life , Human , Global Warming , Pollution , World. Pages: 8. Words: Atmospheric pollution can be described as the process to which chemicals, biological material or particulate matter, that are harmful to humans and other living organisms, are introduced into the atmosphere Jacobson, The Environmental Protection Agency EPA considers the following six pollutants as principle contributors to atmospheric pollution: Carbon Monoxide, Lead, Sulfur Oxides, Ozone, Nitrogen Dioxide, and Particulate Matter like Sulfates, Nitrates and carbon based molecules Vallero, Many energy consumers focus on outdoor atmospheric pollution but ignore the dangers that exist in their own homes.
For instance, solvents and paints are considered safe by many people while they dry Jacobson, However, paints and solvents emit VOCs which are harmful to human health. Scented items, wood fires, house plants, carpets and furniture, decomposed hair etc emit hazardous gases that are harmful to atmosphere. Indoor atmospheric pollutants are easier to control as compared to outdoor pollutants. Proper air circulation and ventilation leads to formation of a neutral compound that is not harmful to human health.
Failure to control indoor atmospheric pollution is considered more dangerous than smog found in outdoor pollution, and can lead to loss of lives. This is a situation whereby occupants of a building experience some health problems Jacobson and Jacobson, The nature of illness is linked to the amounts of time that one spends in an office. This problem occurs when a building is constructed, maintained or in a manner inconsistent with its prescribed original design or operating procedures. Symptoms of SBS include throat irritation, headaches, dry coughs, itchy or dry skin, dizziness and nausea, fatigue, sensitivity to odors, amongst others Vallero, There is no defined clinical prescription of SBS as most of the victims feel relieved when they get out of the building in question Cheremisinoff, SBS is caused by chemical contaminations found indoor.
This includes carpets, adhesives, copy machines, cleaning agents, and pesticides etc, which emit Volatile Organic Compounds VOC. At high concentrations, VOC leads to chronic ailments while at low concentrations it leads to acute reactions. Chemical contaminations from other outdoor sources also lead to this ailment. Control of CBSs, and involves proper ventilations in building, setting up buildings as recommended, and putting them under the recommended use. Plants and animals produce harmful gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and nitrates that mix with other atmospheric gases in production of pollutant compounds. In addition, they form acidic rains that affect the growth of plants.
Examples of insects that contribute to atmospheric pollution include moths, honey bees and silk worms. The use of manmade pesticides in getting rid of such insects contributes significantly to air pollution. Bacteria, on the other hand, are used in soil decomposition. From this process, they produce nitrates and carbon that are harmful to both plants and animals. Non living contributors include; solar gradient, and atmospheric gases such as methane, carbon and sulfur dioxide. Smoke and dust from automobiles, and human activity emit millions of tones of air pollutants.
Motor vehicles contribute to ground-level Ozone, which is a composite of smog. It also affects the ozone layer leading to emission of green house gases that are contributors of lung cancer Jacobson and Jacobson, The depletion of Ozone layer has both living and non-living factors contributing to the problem. The depletion is caused by nitric oxides, hydroxyl ions and chlorine atoms Vallero, Much of the reactants come from natural sources but human activity has also contributed to their formation. Temperatures reduce with altitudes in the troposphere. In between the stratosphere and troposphere lies tropopause, this has a uniform temperature. The uniformity prevents the exchange of materials between the troposphere and stratosphere.
Failure of the exchange implies that some constituents do not reach to the stratosphere. Rockets, planes and space shuttles also inject some pollutants, which add to the failure. In addition, human activities, which lead to emission of pollutants into the air, lead to the failure. This leads to the depletion of the stratosphere and causes the ozone layer to wear out. Air pollution has both pros and cons: Most of the pollutants lead to health complications and death. Exposure to atmospheric pollution is associated to vascular, pulmonary, cardiac and neurological impairments. Industries, power plants and metal refineries emit sulfur and nitrogen oxide from highly placed smokestacks that allow the gases to rise high up, into the atmosphere Cheremisinoff, As they move up they mix with other pollutants and water vapor leading to formation of nitric and sulfuric acids.
These acids drop down in form of acidic rains, fog, and snow, or sometimes deposited dry. This is referred to as acid deposition. Acidic rain has a PH of less than 5. However, the nitrates found in the rains fertilize ocean waters making it possible for algae growth. On the other hand, the growth of algae leads to ecological changes and death aquatic life. A clear example of effects of industrial air pollution can be found in China. The economic history of China is on the run with double digit growth rates. This is derived from coal mining and production of power. However, the country is chocking from its own success. Environmental degradation is on a rising trend with most cities being wrapped under toxic gray shrouds, which come from power producing plants.
Cities like Beijing, Chongqing, Shenyang and Xian, are so polluted to the extent of the problem being considered a national catastrophe. Cancer cases in the country cause hundreds of death each year. Over five million citizens do not have access to clean water, and this increases the threat of atmospheric pollution in the region. Industrial waste also causes climatic changes. The city of Mexico is among global cities affected by smog that has led to significant changes in climate. Sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and ozone, are among the gases that originate from burning of fossils, in the city.
Most of the consumed energy relates to urban transport, and this contributes to more atmospheric pollution. The key effect of atmospheric pollution, and that which remains to be a global threat, is global warming Jacobson, The causes of increased temperatures are human activities that include factory emissions, emissions from vehicles, wood and forest burning, increased emissions of carbon dioxide, and overpopulation. The earth absorbs the larger part of heat radiated from the sun. The remaining part is reflected back. Greenhouse gases such as methane, ozone and carbon dioxide, trap the radiated heat preventing it from escaping.
The reflected heat increase warmth on the surface air leading to global warming. Global warming causes melting of glaciers, and this water flows to oceans causing a rise in ocean levels Jacobson and Jacobson, This in turn leads to hurricanes that destroy property, land, take away lives and bring about economic deterioration. Some current environmental protection strategies include setting up legislations in minimizing global warming. These legislatures set manageable limits on pollution enhancing reduction of formation acidic compounds. EPA feels that this idea not only reduces pollution, but also reduce natural disasters, in US. This strategy can be considered effective but the proposed ways of implementation limits its effectiveness.
There has also been a proposal on investing in clean energy and green jobs with the use of solar and wind energy. The implementation of this program leads to increased employment levels as well as reduction in pollution. However, the question of efficiency in demand remains a limitation of the program. Manufacturing of fuel-efficient vehicles have also been considered an option Jacobson and Jacobson, This action saves on gas use and increase global competition for the betterment of an economy. The idea has been said to cut global warming by at least million metric tons, and also saves 2 million barrels of oil, daily.
The limitation is on the prices of such hybrid vehicles; the poor and middle class may not afford the cars. To solve indoor atmospheric pollution, a strategy that involves construction of green homes and buildings has been put across. This makes buildings energy efficient and minimizes the effects of indoor air pollutants. Majority of environmental sustainability issues are caused by ignorance, and lack of awareness. To reach sustainability my plan would be campaigning using civic educational programs on the effects of human activities towards the environment. The campaign would be inclusive of educational programs on human activity, how the hazardous atmospheric compounds are formed, and the effects they have on human life.
Community education would do better that having the programs individually. This would save time and energy, and also act as a form of attracting a lot of people. Working with recognized individuals in the community, environmentalists and government agencies would boost the success of my plan. With the educational program awareness will be increased. With educating people on the hazards of atmospheric pollution, the community will come up with possible and sustainable solutions. Every community member will be aware of the expected part to play in promotion of environmental sustainability, and this will reduce global warming.
A key challenge will be funds to conduct the campaign to the most affected regions. In addition, the whole program would be effective with willingness to change in behavior.
Essay on Atmospheric Pollution (450 Words),Indoor air pollution and environmental impacts.
WebDec 12, · Atmospheric pollution is an old phenomenon and is getting worse by day because governments are not concerned about the case. The Canadian Government is WebJan 21, · Atmospheric pollution is a problem that needs faster and effective sustainable protective measures before the situation becomes unmanageable. Individuals, society, WebAtmospheric Pollution Research (APR) is an international journal designed for the publication of articles on air pollution. Papers should present novel experimental WebSep 2, · If discharging these wastes into the atmosphere represents the cheapest way of accomplishing this, then the industry will have a strong inclination to adopt this WebThere is a worldwide concern about atmospheric pollution. There are several steps taken by governments to reduce the load of pollutants. However, every individual must take ... read more
Need a custom Research Paper sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? These vehicles can be run on batteries as a replacement for gasoline and other fuels. The amplified use of fossil fuels nowadays also contributes to this. At a personal level, we can minimise environmental pollution by taking public transport or carpools to reduce vehicular smoke, avoiding firecrackers at festivals and celebrations can also cut down on air and noise pollution, not using fertilisers and pesticides which can cause both water and soil pollution, and switching over to organic farming. Atmospheric pollution is an old phenomenon and is getting worse by day because governments are not concerned about the case. One primary function of environmental law is not for a complete elimination of pollution but instead to create legislation that allows equal pollution levels with gains of economic growth. From this issue of statistics and negligence of Canada's government, another problem that needs to be discussed is the short term effects of atmospheric pollution.
Talk to an expert. Pollution is among the many things that harm our planet- once greener and healthier than it is now. Thus, the only time that I can reach them is during evenings, when they could be tired as well. In the early years of the 20th century, atmospheric pollution essay, citizens were permitted to sue those who caused atmospheric pollution essay to the environment. Start by replacing plastic bags for shopping with cloth bags, stop littering on roads and stop wasting water are some of the basic things to start with that can lead to big changes in the environment.
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